There are various facilities that residents can enjoy while living in VIVA. Residents of VIVA would not have to travel far to get their basic necessities as everything is close within their reach. Residents can enjoy the badminton hall, barbeque area, function room, Jacuzzi, mini gold range, tennis courts, basketball court, fitness corner, gymnasium room, lap pool and playground. Residents can enjoy taking a walk around the condominium in the walkway path to enjoy the sunset. VIVA – Accessibility There is a number of public transportation close to VIVA that residents can make use of. The closest MRT stations to the condominium are Novena MRT and Newton MRT. The closest bus stops are located at Parish of Christ Church, St Joseph Institution Junior, Newton Life Church, Hotel Royal and Farrer Park Tennis Centre. For those with vehicles, the shopping district located at Orchard Road can be easily accessed via the Newton Road, Clemenceau Avenue North and Scotts Road in 5 to 10 minutes.
Within 10 mins walk
Rental & Floor plan
All (1)
3 Bedrooms (1)
3 Bedrooms
About Novena area