Clydeswood offers full condo facilities including swimming pool, barbeque pits and car park lots with the entire residence being safely guarded under round-the-clock security service. Clydeswood is strategically located by being just minutes‚Äô drive away from Junction 8 where a plethora of amenities are readily available such as retail outlets, supermarkets, restaurants, eateries, banks, library and other entertainment facilities. Residents have the conveniences with daily necessities within easy reach at the nearby supermarkets and NTUC Fairprice outlets. Recreational facilities are just a short drive away from Clydeswood as well such as the PUB Recreation Club and Serangoon Stadium. Complemented with the efficient transportation in the vicinity, residents of Clydeswood especially those without vehicles can easily move around the area to get their daily requirements and personal affairs attained to without must hassle. Clydeswood – Accessibility Clydeswood is located near to the Serangoon MRT station, Lorong Chuan MRT station and Woodleigh MRT station. There is a multitude of bus services meandering through the area. There are also a few bus stops nearby serving the vicinity, such as at Melrose, Golden Hts, St. Gabriel‚Äôs Primary School, before Braddell Road, after Braddell Flyover and many more. For vehicle owners, travelling to the business hub from Clydeswood takes only about 10 minutes via the Central Expressway. Alternatively, residents can travel via Upper Srangoon Road to the Central Business District or the vibrant Orchard Road shopping belt and other parts of the city.