Orchid Park Condominium
Comparing the prices with other development in the area, Orchid Park Condominium is worth investing now. It is located very close to MRT, with full facilities such as tennis, squash, basketball, swimming pool, billiard, putting green, gym and many more. The residence is surrounded by excellent tranquil view of reservoir. There are a great number of amenities close to this condo such as Sheng Siong, NTUC, coffeeshops, community clubs and more. Orchid Park Condominium – Accessibility This apartment is well connected by MRTs and Expressways. It is accessible through Khatib MRT Station, Yishun MRT Station and Springleaf MRT Station. Orchid Park Condominium is accessible via Lentor Avenue and Yishun Aveue 1. Public transports like bus services and taxi services are easily available. Residents can head towards Changi Airport via Tampines Expressway, towards Raffles Place and Orchard Road via Central Expressway.